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Sopplayer Integration - HTML5 Stylish Video Player

Sopplayer Integration - HTML5 Stylish Video Player See Demo :-      Visit GitHub  - Codepen Sopplayer Screenshot See Video Documentation : -  Steps :-       1. Use  class = "sopplayer" in Your <video> Tag .      2. And Add  data-setup = "{}" , attribute like this . HERE IS THE FULL VIDEO CODE      < video   id = "my-video"   class = "sopplayer"   controls   preload = "auto"   data-setup = "{}"   width = "500px" >        <!--Use class="sopplayer" and data-setup="{}" -->        < source   src = "sample.mp4"   type = "video/mp4"   />      </ video > 3. Add the Css CDN before  </ head >  Tag . HERE IS THE CSS CDN    < link   href = ""   rel = "stylesheet"   />    <!--Here is the Css Library--> 4. Add the Javascript CDN before  </ body >  Tag HERE IS T

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